Saturday 9 June 2012


The past two times I've been back to visit my family in California, I've made an effort to scan as many of my grandparent's photos as possible. My maternal grandparents have an old wooden chest filled with family photos, and it was such fun to go through them all with my grandma! This post is just of her and my grandpa, and I'll do one of my paternal grandparents in another post. Anyway, if this isn't vintage inspiration, I don't know what is!

 Here she is being so hip on her awesome bike, early '40s.

 I love this shot- the angle, her windswept hair, and the barn in the background. This would have been somewhere in Ohio.

This is my incredibly handsome cowboy grandpa. No wonder my grandma ran away with him!

 He was in the Navy...

 Grandma, please can I have your coat... and your shoes?

 Ok, this has got to be one of my favourites. My grandma (right) and her sister Babe (they called her that because she was such a babe, just look at her!) got all dressed up in the sailor uniforms their boyfriends had loaned them. Here they are pretending to be drunken sailors. 
There's a whole photo shoot they did, and it's hilarious!

 This was part of the shoot as well. My grandma all dressed up in her Pacific Islander garb. 
What a doll!

So gorgeous. I miss my family so much, and can't wait till I get to visit again, see more photos and hear more stories!


  1. how precious! you look just like her btw!

    1. hey thanks joy! it's such fun to do this. i'm off to check out your blogs now....

  2. Hey :D Just found your blog from your FB post and have loved going through your posts. This one is awesome! I can see you in your grandma. The pictures are brilliant :D <3 Hope you guys are well! <3 Sav
