Thursday, 30 August 2012

Belgium Part 2... the treasures!

 Fleamarket heaven in Belgium! I could just roll around in all those piles of old linens...

And here's the loot!




I think half the fun is digging through giant piles of clothing, heaped on the ground, and then catching a glimpse of vintage fabric and pulling and tugging until you've untangled the wrinkled treasure from its less than worthy companions and offered it new life. Hurrah!

I persuaded the lovely Jacq and Esther to try them on (at about midnight!) after the longest day ever.

Oh! And I also found this gorgeous watercolour... and a few other treasures which I'm sure will show themselves in the weeks to come!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Belgium Part 1

So... I got to go to Belgium last week!

 Jacq and I went to visit our dear friend Esther. 

When we stepped into her apartment, it was like walking into a magazine! She gets all her furniture secondhand, and paints it herself. Look at this gorgeous old table she got at a farm.
 Eating on a balcony=being on holiday

 We hung out in Brussels city centre

 And Esther took us to the most AMAZING flea market ever
Looking at this photo makes me jealous of myself.... digging through piles and piles of old clothes. What's in my arm? Oh not much... just several vintage dresses I got for 2 euro each! Aaaah!!!! Curse you Ryanair and your baggage restrictions! 
Next time I'm checking a bag.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

I have learned two lessons:
1. My husband is the most amazing EVER (ok I already knew that)
2. If I mention in a blog post that I want something, Mike will get it for me (?!)

  I am the proud new owner of the most GORGEOUS bike in the world. 
And it has a detachable basket.  
Our friends own a bike shop so Mike got a great deal.
And I married Mike so I got a great deal.
So pretty much everyone wins.
But my bike gets first place.

Now I will casually post some more things I like and further test lesson number 2: