Thursday, 14 June 2012

Happy Flag Day!

My calendar tells me today is Flag Day in the USA (235 years of the stars and stripes)... Turns out, it was also Multi-Cultural Day at my son's school, so we had to dress in patriotic colours and bring a dish from our homeland to share.
Here's how we inadvertently celebrated Flag Day!

 Step One: Wear red, white, and blue! 
These dresses would have been perfect...

 Or dress like a cowgirl, since that is very American. 
It would help if I could turn paper doll clothes into real clothes!

Or, if you had to finish a cheesecake that morning, take your dog to the vet, and it was pouring rain... then perhaps just go with what you've got in your closet:

 The cardigan is vintage 50s, and the skirt is vintage 70s, 
but I was going for a 40s look?! Ha!

Step 2: Make sure husband is appropriately attired:
 I LOVE the detail on Mike's vintage 50s cowboy shirt! 
It's my favourite shirt he owns. Here's the back:

 Step 3: Make sure son is appropriately attired:
Last minute charity shop find!

Felt saves the day once again.

Glued it on 'cause I'm lazy (but I sewed the button at least)

And here's Eoin checking it out!

And the final step? Make American cheesecake!



  1. Hehe! I love you Rachel! You are so much fun!

  2. I love this blog... I'll so be following

  3. hey thanks so much!! i'm so glad you enjoy it :)
